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How to Shutdown Your Windows 10 PC by Voice Command with Cortana
Basically Cortana can do a lot, but not everything. You can start apps but not close them. Write emails but not check them. Although programmers have an option to use Cortana features in their Software there is not yet a tool that lets you shut down your PC by using a simple voice command.
But. It is pretty straight forward to create your own command for this handy action.
- Simply create a text file on your Desktop (right click in an empty space, click on „New“ and select „Textfile“ ) and give it a proper name like „Shutdown Procedure“.
- Paste the following command in the file and save it.
shutdown -s -t 10 -f
- Change the extension from „.txt“ to „.bat“ to make it an executable batch file. If you don’t see file extensions make sure to enable them in the folder view options.
- Move the .bat file into a new folder like „Shutdown“ below: C:\Program Files(\Shutdown)
- Open taht folder, right click on the batch file and create a shortcut in the same folder (important, cause you cannot create hortcuts within the folder where we are going to put it now).
- Remove the „.bat“ from the shortcut name. This is important as well otherwise Cortana won’t recognize this shortcut as a programm properly if there are still „.bat shortcut“ or similar suffixes in the name.
- Move that newly created and cleaned shortcut to the following folder:
C:/programdata/microsoft/windows/start menu/programs
Now you can easily execute the script but telling Cortana to „START Shutdown Procedure“. As you can guess, you ask Cortana to start a Programm. So you cannot just say something like „Shutdown“ oder whatever. Shutdown Procedure is the name of the Programm that Cortana tries to execute. This Programm is just an executable batch file which shuts down your PC.
It’s simple as that but handy nontheless.
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