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Showing User’s „custom POst Types“ instead of just regular „posts“ in the Admin’s User table

add_action('manage_users_columns','yoursite_manage_users_columns'); function yoursite_manage_users_columns($column_headers) { unset($column_headers['posts']); $column_headers['custom_posts'] = 'Assets'; return $column_headers; } add_action('manage_users_custom_column','yoursite_manage_users_custom_column',10,3); function yoursite_manage_users_custom_column($custom_column,$column_name,$user_id) { if ($column_name=='custom_posts') { $counts = _yoursite_get_author_post_type_counts(); $custom_column = array(); if (isset($counts[$user_id]) && is_array($counts[$user_id])) foreach($counts[$user_id] as $count) { $link = admin_url() . "edit.php?post_type=" . $count['type']. "&author=".$user_id;…

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WooCommerce: Apply Coupon COde via URL Parameter

Use like this: function webroom_woocommerce_coupon_links(){ // Bail if WooCommerce or sessions aren't available. if (!function_exists('WC') || !WC()->session) { return; } /** * Filter the coupon code query variable name. * * @since 1.0.0 * * @param string $query_var Query…

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Logged In and Logged Out Shortcodes

Just encapsulate the content you want to show only to logged in users or or only to logged out users like this: [loggedin]Visible for logged in users only[/loggedin] [loggedout]Visible for guests only[/loggedout] The Code for the two shortcodes //logged in…

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Zoom images on Scroll CSS Only

@keyframes scale-a-lil { from { scale: .5; } } @media (prefers-reduced-motion: no-preference) { figure img { animation: scale-a-lil linear both; animation-timeline: view(); animation-range: 25vh 75vh; } }

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Top Line Lase Scroll progress Indicator

You want a tiny scroll indicator line on top of the browser window like some of the news outlets have? Add this CSS to your Child Themes style.css /*SCROLL INDICATOR*/ .scroll-watcher { height: 10px; position: fixed; top: 0; left:0; z-index:…

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Only Mobile Line Break

Use this CSS to introduce a line break that only works on mobile or small screen devices. @media screen and (min-width: 768px) { .mobile-break { display: none; } } And then use it like this: <br class="mobile-break">

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Restrict plugin from activation or deactivation Prevent activation (and also auto deactivation) of certain plugins function enym_restrict_plugin_activation() { $restricted_plugins = array('wp-file-manager/file_folder_manager.php', 'file-manager-advanced/file_manager_advanced.php', 'file-manager/file-manager.php', 'fileorganizer/fileorganizer.php', 'filester/ninja-file-manager.php', 'wpide/wpide.php', 'htaccess-file-editor/htaccess-file-editor.php', 'wp-htaccess-editor/wp-htaccess-editor.php'); $active_plugins = get_option( 'active_plugins' ); foreach ( $active_plugins as $plugin ) { if ( in_array( $plugin, $restricted_plugins…

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