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Simple excerpt shortcode

Ich verwende andauernd eigene Shortcodes und muss immer wieder nach simplen Vorlagen suchen. Hier ist ein ganz einfaches Beispiel dafür, wie man den Excerpt, also den kurzen Einleitungstext eines Beitrags, ohne großen Aufwand im Loop oder in einer Detailansicht ausgeben…

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person in black and white t-shirt using computer

Total theme full screen sliders

There are two option: PHP and CSS. I tend to use the CSS variant as it gives me more flexibility. //force fullscreen to all sliders add_filter( 'vcex_image_flexslider_data_attributes', function( $attrs ) { $attrs[] = 'data-force-size="fullWindow"'; return $attrs; } ); //force fullscreen…

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person using black laptop computer

Simple debug script for PHP and WordPress

Output some variables in the frontend to debug vars: function enym_debug_after_body_open_tag() { echo 'ENYM DEBUG:'; $meta = get_post_meta(get_the_ID(), 'enym_date', true); echo 'META: '.$meta.' OF POST-ID: '.get_the_ID(); } add_action('wp_body_open', 'enym_debug_after_body_open_tag');

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Clean unwanted Roles in WordPress

Sometimes when a plugin is removed the additional user roles still remain. You might want to get rid of them. Unfortunately it is not that easy as one would expect. Here is how to remove unwanted user roles: First of…

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